Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cayenne pepper Sauce for optimal health ( raw organic)

Red Hot Cayenne pepper Sauce
A delicious & hot fire in your kitchen!
Find out more below what a daily dose of cayenne pepper can do for your Health?

Please note :
The purity and uniqueness of our Pepper sauces guaranties you a completely natural raw organic Pepper sauce products ,no Binders or preservatives are added !

price for Cayenne pepper sauces are:

5 oz.Bottle 6.90 US

3 bottle special US$18,50 + shipping

by a case for the wholesale price of 6.20

2-10 cases US$ 5.58 per bottle (each case US$ 133.90) 24 btls/case

higher quantities negotiable.
Plus shipping cost!
Please contact us @ for more information to get this new HOT PRODUCT into your kitchen/life.
or call us :
(876) 484 1165

Here are some amazing facts most Doctors would never tell you!

Read up on the health benefits of Cayenne Pepper and note..:

"If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other." Dr. Schulze

The health benefits of cayenne pepper are endless but outstanding is his benefit in
weight regulation, proper digestion, immunity, heart diseases, dyspepsia, inflammation, headache, throat congestion, and blood circulation.
Cayenne pepper belongs to the Capsicum family and its botanical name is Capsicum annuum. It is the red chili pepper that is used to add flavor in food and has high medicinal values. Cayenne contains vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin K, carotenoids and the complete B complexes. It is also a source of organic calcium potassium, manganese and dietary fiber.

The medicinal or health benefits of the Cayenne pepper include:

Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Making chili pepper a frequently enjoyed spice in your Healthiest Way of Eating could help reduce your risk of hyperinsulinemia (high blood levels of insulin)-a disorder associated with type 2 diabetes.
In a study published in the July 2006 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Australian researchers show that the amount of insulin required to lower blood sugar after a meal is reduced if the meal contains chili pepper. When chili-containing meals are a regular part of the diet, insulin requirements drop even lower.

'Fight Inflammation
Chili peppers contain a substance called capsaicin, which gives peppers their characteristic pungence, producing mild to intense spice when eaten. Capsaicin is a potent inhibitor of substance P( neuropeptide) also associated with inflammatory processes.

• stomach: Cayenne pepper added diet helps avoid stomach aches, gas and cramps. Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine recommends cayenne for proper digestion as it stimulates the flow of stomach secretions and saliva.

• Rheumatic and arthritic pains: Topical application of cayenne pepper causes irritation in the applied area thus, helps distract the nerves from joint pains due to arthritis.
Topical capsaicin is now a recognized treatment option for osteoarthritis pain. Several review studies of pain management for diabetic neuropathy have listed the benefits of topical capsaicin to alleviate disabling pain associated with this condition.

• Sore throats: Cayenne added water can be used to gargle with, to cure sore throats.

• Avoid congestion: Capsaicin stimulates secretions, which helps to clear the mucus from nose and lungs by clearing the sinuses and causing sweating. Cayenne pepper added tea is good in conditions of cold and flu.

Improves blood circulation: When any body part is sick, the blood flow to that area is usually affected. Cayenne helps to remove that entire blotch, stimulates the blood flow and makes sure that the vitamins are properly delivered to all areas and waste is removed.

. Capsaicin is being studied as an effective treatment for sensory nerve fiber disorders, including pain associated with arthritis, psoriasis, and diabetic neuropathy.

• Heart disease: There are evidences that prove that giving cayenne extract orally, to a patient, helps to stop heart attack. Cayenne helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Cayenne helps to dissolve fibrin which causes formation of blood clots. It also reduces triglyceride levels.

more Cardiovascular Benefits
Cayenne have been shown to reduce blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation, while increasing the body's ability to dissolve fibrin, a substance integral to the formation of blood clots.

note : Cultures where cayenne pepper is used liberally have a much lower rate of heart attack, stroke and pulmonary embolism.

Stop the Spread of Prostate Cancer cells
Cayenne peppers' capsaicin, the compound responsible for their pungent heat, stops the spread of prostate cancer cells through a variety of mechanisms, indicates a study published in the March 15, 2006 issue of Cancer Research . Capsaicin stops the growth of both types of prostate cancer cell lines, those whose growth is stimulated by male hormones and those not affected by them.
Cayenne lessens the expression of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), inhibits the ability of the most potent form of testosterone.

• Cure Headaches: Smelling cayenne helps cure headaches. Topical application of capsaicin also helps to relieve them.

• Prevent ulcer: Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin that has the ability to prevent ulcers.

• Relieves respiratory problems:Capsaicin not only reduces pain, but its peppery heat also stimulates secretions that help clear mucus from your stuffed up nose or congested lungs. Cayenne pepper is a source of beta-carotene which is helpful in reducing symptoms of asthma.

• Boosts immunity: Vitamin A or beta-carotene, in cayenne pepper, gives protection against invading pathogens by helping the development of healthy mucus membranes in the nasal passage, lungs and urinary tracts, thereby giving immunity to infections.

• Helps reduce weight: Cayenne added food helps lose weight with proper digestion. Therefore, it also reduces excess appetite due to mal-absorption.

• Good Anti-oxidant: Beta-carotene contained in cayenne pepper works as a good antioxidant that prevents or repairs the damages caused by free radicals. Thus, it prevents atherosclerosis and colon cancer.

• It is also very effective in relieving diabetic complications like nerve damage and heart disease. It gives temporary relief of pain from psoriasis, herpes zoster, neuralgia, and toothache.

In a double-blind placebo controlled trial, nearly 200 patients with psoriasis were given topical preparations containing either capsaicin or placebo. Patients who were given capsaicin reported significant improvement based on a severity score which traced symptoms associated with psoriasis. The side effect reported with topical capsaicin cream is a burning sensation at the area of application.

• Cayenne pepper improves the effectiveness of other herbs.

Boost Immunity
Cayenne peppers' bright red color signals its high content of beta-carotene or pro-vitamin A. Just two teaspoons of red chili peppers provide about 6% of the daily value for vitamin C coupled with more than 10% of the daily value for vitamin A. Often called the anti-infection vitamin, vitamin A is essential for healthy mucous membranes, which line the nasal passages, lungs, intestinal tract and urinary tract and serve as the body's first line of defense against invading pathogens.

In addition, the C-peptide/insulin ratio was highest after the chili-containing meal after a chili-rich diet, indicating an increase in the liver's ability to clear insulin. !

Besides capsaicin, chilies contain antioxidants, including vitamin C and carotenoids, which might also help improve insulin regulation.

Adding our delicious Cayenne pepper sauce can really perk up any meal, add heat to a black bean/sweet potato soup, or transform an ordinary salad dressing.

So, spice up your meals with the hot & healthy delight.
Your body will need to make less insulin and will use it more effectively.

"In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attack patient and the reason is, whenever I go in--if they are still breathing--I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water, and within minutes they are up and around)." Dr. Christopher

Cayenne pepper - prized for thousands of years for its healing power.
Folklore from around the world recounts amazing results using cayenne pepper in simple healing and in baffling health problems. But cayenne pepper is not just a healer from ancient history. Recent clinical studies have been conducted on many of the old-time health applications for this miracle herb. Again and again, the therapeutic value of cayenne pepper has been medically validated."Dr. Patrick Quillin

Cayenne pepper(red chili) peppers are available throughout the year to add zest to flavorful dishes around the world and health to those brave enough to risk their fiery heat on there daily meals.
This delicious pepper flavor puts a unique fire on your tongue and maybe a tear in your eye , but definel;ty cleanse your sinus channels properly.

Taste well in spicy vegan dishes , Mexican,Indian, or Thai food.
Red Chili peppers belong to the family of foods bearing the Latin name Capsicum.
The hotter the chili pepper, the more capsaicin it contains. The hottest varieties include habañero and Scotch bonnet peppers. Jalapeños are next in their heat and capsaicin content, followed by the milder varieties, including Spanish pimentos, and Anaheim and Hungarian cherry peppers.

In a recent letter to the editors of the New England Journal of Medicine, three Italian doctors describe how they were able to reduce patients' reported dyspepsia symptoms by more than half - by prescribing red pepper powder. In a study of 30 patients with functional dyspepsia, half of the participants received a placebo, while the other half took 2.5 grams of red pepper powder each day (divided into capsules taken before each of three meals). Both groups took their respective treatments for five weeks, and rated their symptoms each day on a scale of zero to three (higher scores indicated more severe symptoms). By the third week, the red pepper group showed a significant advantage over the control group. And by week five, the pepper group's symptoms had declined 60 percent from their baseline scores - while the control group's scores had only decreased about half as much. The symptom scores included ratings for pain, a feeling of fullness, nausea, and an overall score. The red pepper powder produced significant gains in all four areas.

Medicinal Use and Health Benefit of Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum)
discription: There are hundreds of different types of chili peppers that vary in size, shape, color, flavor and "hotness." This fleshy berry features many seeds inside a potent package that can range from less than one inch to six inches in length, and approximately one-half to one inch in diameter. Chili peppers are usually red or green in color.

Important to know !
Precaution: Like all other foods or herbs, we have to be careful when using this herb also. Excess consumption may cause burning sensations in the throat, stomach, or rectum.
Tips for Cooking with Chili Peppers:
Be very careful when you are handling and cooking fresh chili peppers. One of the peppers' most pungent compounds, capsaicin, can cause a severe burning sensation if it touches your skin or lips, or comes in contact with your eyes.
Because of this, some people prefer to wear thin rubber gloves when working with chili peppers. If you choose not to do this, make sure to thoroughly wash your hands after handling them. Additionally, you should wash your knife and cutting board after cutting these peppers.

ore call : ( 876)796-5080 or 484-1165

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